Banks, tax evasion and other nice things

0.2 pre6 has been released.

0.2 pre6 has now been released, the sixth pre-release of 0.2. I hope 0.2 being released in October 2022. Probably not yet in September.

Some updates to taxes. Taxes are now based on income in the last 40 days. It counts every days' income that is visible on the bottom of the screen. Negative income doesn't affect taxes. You can also try to evade taxes, but you can get a much bigger fine and your reputation will go down, if you don't succeed at the evasion.

Also, I added banks and loans. You get a loan, owe 130 % of the loan to the bank, pay 3 % of loan every day, but get only 1 % repaid. The numbers will change according to what's left of the loan. Loan amount is limited.

Workers in shops. 2 workers at $120 salary is recommended. At least 1 worker is required to sell goods. Number of workers affect demand.

And some other minor things. Tax percent is 15 after resetting, rents have been increased, some events that affect reputation and amount of money, reputation always positive.


Shop Company Tycoon 2 0.2 pre6 9 MB
Sep 25, 2022

Get Shop Company Tycoon 2

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